Web Designing Course

Website designing is the front end website designing that includes HTML, CSS, Photoshop ,Figma , bootstrap and WordPress also . Practical Training is provided in all the designing languages mentioned above. Web Designing is a 3 Months process in which students will be able to create web pages effectively with their creativity.

Component of web designing:

  1. Layout: The arrangement and structure of elements on a webpage, including the placement of text, images, and interactive elements.

  2. Color Scheme: The choice of colors used in the design, which can influence the overall mood and aesthetics of the website.

  3. Typography: The selection and styling of fonts for the text on the website, affecting readability and visual appeal.

  4. Graphics and Images: The use of visual elements, such as photos, illustrations, and icons, to enhance the overall design and convey information.

  5. Navigation: The design of menus, buttons, and other navigation elements to ensure users can easily move through the website.

  6. Responsive Design: Ensuring that the website adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

  7. User Interface (UI) Design: Creating an interface that is intuitive and user-friendly, focusing on how users interact with the website.

  8. User Experience (UX) Design: Enhancing the overall experience of users by considering factors such as usability, accessibility, and satisfaction with the website.

  9. Coding (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap): Implementing the design using coding languages to create a functional and interactive website.

  10. Content: Incorporating relevant and engaging text, multimedia, and other content to communicate the purpose and message of the website.

Technologies We Work With

These are just a few Examples

Web Designing Course Outline

  • Markup Language: HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a markup language used to structure content on the web. It employs a system of tags (<>) to define elements within a document, indicating the purpose and structure of each component.

  • Document Structure: HTML provides a basic structure for web documents. It includes essential elements such as headings (<h1> to <h6>), paragraphs (<p>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), and more, allowing developers to organize and present information effectively.

  • Hyperlinks: HTML enables the creation of hyperlinks (<a>) to connect different web pages. This interconnectivity is crucial for navigation, allowing users to seamlessly move between various sections or pages within a website or to external resources.

  • Multimedia Integration: HTML supports the inclusion of multimedia elements such as images (<img>), audio (<audio>), and video (<video>). This allows for a more dynamic and engaging user experience by incorporating various media types into web content.

  • Compatibility and Consistency: HTML provides a standardized way of structuring content, ensuring consistency in how web browsers interpret and display information. This consistency is vital for delivering a uniform experience to users across different devices and platforms.

  • Foundation for Web Development: HTML serves as the foundation for web development, forming the basis upon which other technologies, such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript, build. While HTML defines the structure, CSS handles the presentation, and JavaScript adds interactivity, collectively creating dynamic and visually appealing web pages.

  1. Styling Web Pages: CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a styling language used to control the presentation and layout of HTML documents. It allows web developers to define the visual aspects of web pages, including colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning.
  2. Selectors and Declarations: CSS operates through selectors and declarations. Selectors target HTML elements, and declarations define how those elements should appear. This separation of structure (HTML) and style (CSS) enhances maintainability and flexibility in web development.

  3. Cascading Nature: The term “cascading” in CSS refers to the order of priority when multiple style rules apply to the same HTML element. CSS rules can be inherited from various sources, such as external stylesheets, internal styles, and inline styles. The cascade ensures a systematic way of resolving conflicting styles.

  4. Responsive Design: CSS plays a crucial role in creating responsive web designs. Media queries within CSS allow developers to apply different styles based on factors like screen size, enabling the creation of websites that adapt and look appealing on various devices, from desktops to smartphones.

  5. Layout and Positioning: CSS provides powerful tools for controlling the layout and positioning of elements on a web page. Flexbox and Grid are layout models that facilitate the creation of complex and responsive layouts, offering flexibility in arranging content within a webpage. This is essential for achieving modern and user-friendly designs.


  1. Responsive Web Design: Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that simplifies the process of creating responsive and mobile-friendly websites. Its grid system and components are designed to seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices.

  2. Pre-designed Components: Bootstrap comes with a set of pre-designed UI components, such as navigation bars, buttons, forms, and carousels. These components can be easily customized and integrated into web projects, saving developers time and effort in creating common elements from scratch.

  3. CSS Framework with Flexibility: Bootstrap is built on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing a powerful and flexible foundation for web development. While it offers ready-made styles and components, developers can also customize and extend the framework to meet specific design requirements.

  4. Browser Compatibility: Bootstrap is designed to ensure consistent appearance and functionality across various web browsers. This helps developers avoid the complexities of cross-browser compatibility issues, providing a more reliable and predictable development experience.

  5. Documentation and Community Support: Bootstrap offers comprehensive documentation with examples and guidelines, making it easy for developers to learn and implement. Additionally, it has a large and active community, providing support, resources, and a wealth of third-party themes and plugins that enhance the capabilities of the framework.

Content Management System (CMS): WordPress is a powerful and widely used content management system that allows users to create, manage, and organize digital content easily. It provides an intuitive interface for users, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.

    1. Themes for Design Customization: WordPress offers a vast array of themes that allow users to change the look and feel of their websites without altering the underlying content. Themes range from simple designs to complex, feature-rich layouts, providing flexibility in creating visually appealing websites.

    2. Plugins for Functionality Enhancement: The WordPress ecosystem is enriched by a diverse range of plugins that extend the functionality of websites. These plugins cover various needs, from SEO optimization and security to e-commerce and social media integration, allowing users to customize their websites according to specific requirements.

    3. User-Friendly Content Editing: One of WordPress’s strengths is its user-friendly content editor. The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor allows users to easily create and edit content without the need for coding skills. This makes content creation and updating efficient and accessible.

    4. Community and Support: WordPress has a robust community of developers, designers, and users who actively contribute to its growth. This community support provides forums, documentation, and tutorials, making it easier for users to find solutions to issues, learn best practices, and stay updated on the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem.

  1. Image Editing Powerhouse: Adobe Photoshop is a versatile and powerful image editing software that allows users to manipulate, enhance, and retouch digital images. It offers a wide range of tools and features for tasks such as cropping, resizing, color correction, and advanced photo manipulation.

  2. Layers for Precision Editing: Photoshop’s use of layers is a fundamental aspect of its functionality. Layers enable users to work on different elements of an image independently, making it easier to control and fine-tune each component. This feature is crucial for complex design projects and photo editing.

  3. Graphic Design and Layout: Beyond photo editing, Photoshop is widely used for graphic design and layout purposes. Designers use it to create posters, banners, social media graphics, and other visual elements. The software’s extensive toolkit allows for precise control over every design aspect.

  4. Filters and Special Effects: Photoshop offers a variety of filters and special effects that can transform the look and feel of an image. From artistic filters to realistic simulations of natural phenomena, these features provide creative options for designers to experiment and enhance visual impact.

  5. Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop seamlessly integrates with Adobe Creative Cloud, allowing for smooth collaboration between different Adobe software. Users can easily transfer projects between applications like Illustrator and InDesign, streamlining the workflow for comprehensive design projects.

  1. Collaborative Design Platform: Figma is a cloud-based design platform that facilitates real-time collaboration among multiple users. Designers and stakeholders can work on the same project simultaneously, making it an ideal tool for team collaboration, feedback, and iterative design processes.

  2. Browser-Based Interface: Figma operates entirely within a web browser, eliminating the need for software installations and ensuring cross-platform compatibility. This feature allows users to access their design projects from different devices, fostering flexibility and accessibility.

  3. Interactive Prototyping: Figma offers interactive prototyping capabilities, enabling designers to create clickable prototypes with transitions and animations. This functionality is valuable for presenting and testing the user experience of digital products before development.

  4. Component-Based Design: Figma employs a component-based design system, allowing designers to create reusable elements and maintain consistency throughout their projects. Changes made to a component automatically update all instances of that component in the design, streamlining the design process and ensuring uniformity.

  5. Design Versioning and History: Figma provides a robust version control system, allowing users to view and restore previous versions of their designs. This feature is beneficial for tracking changes, comparing iterations, and reverting to specific design states if needed, enhancing project management and collaboration.

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